Sunday 3 April 2011

Working on the Garden #1

Yesterday, Bethan (our Envision mentor), Immy, Immy's dad and I finally got started on the garden! After a worrying half an hour where it threatened to rain, the weather brightened up and we were able to work on our tans as well as the garden - an added bonus!

So far we have managed to:

  • Put the hanging baskets up
  • Assemble the bird feeder
  • Build the three raised beds and compost bin
  • Put the solar lights in the garden
  • Put the trellis up on the back wall
  • Start digging the bottom of the garden ready to start planting

Here are some photos from the day:

We finally managed to pick the plant pots the residents had designed from the amazing All Fired Arts. The residents and carers were delighted with the pots and were amazed at their generosity. We would like to thank them with all of our hearts!

A message from All Fired Arts

Starting the garden was more enjoyable than we expected and we really had a lot of fun. Immy and I would like to thank Immy's dad and Bethan for helping as we couldn't have started it without them!

- Alice


  1. I can't wait to get my hands on that garden! :) :)

  2. Great work girls - an excellent project and an excellent team.
